Friday, February 19, 2010

Super Heroes, Super Villains, Super Powers

There is a reason why so many of us love the comic books and hero movies. We love the adventure. We love the technology. We love the suspension of disbelief in seeing a man (assumed to be like any other) flying or exercising amazing strength and blinding speed. It is what all of us deep down wish that we could do. It’s a part of our imagination; it’s a part of some of our actual dreams at night. The chance of being Jamie and having a second, revered identity is bliss. Alas it all has to be left to idle fancy.

I speculate that mutations of the species do not exist be it by God, gods or evolution because of the shortfalls in our human nature. At the very least my own human nature would be a detriment to my ability. I would not be a villain but I would most definitely not go hungry either.

Save the day? Sure. Charge a fee? Not likely. Expect endorsements, gifts, total comfort? YES. Be willing to take a whole closet of gold out of Fort Knox if no one else was assisting me financially? If I had the super power to do it probably. Knowing that I could totally do something would make for quite the internal struggle between right and wrong. But my personal temperament would surely lead to the occasional justification of means where I would never venture as a mere mortal.

Then there are the moonlighting possibilities:

Invisibility – Security Consultant
Multiplicity- Building Contractor
Speed- UPS
Telekinetics- Mega Mover
Phasing-Art Thief
Plasticman- Porn

It’s no wonder he was always smiling.


1 comment:

  1. It's no wonder...Plastic man's real name is "Eel" O'Brien.
