Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fight, Flight or Freeze

I started reading about concepts around traditional martial arts and then the currently popular method of Krav Maga. The term is Hebrew. And it means "close combat". It's not a traditional self-defense program by any means. It does not center itself in principles of standard methodology rather it's fluid. It's about defending yourself on the streets. And at it's heart is the elimination of the freeze and flight portion of the 3 F's listed in the title.

So why am I writing about this? And why am I reading about it?

Well I pointed out at the beginning of my blogging experiment that I want to shed some demons, eliminate shortcoming and do some self-therapy. And this entry is self-therapy. I had run-ins with bullies when I was a kid. It was no more than 2-3 guys at a time. But I was more afraid of getting in trouble at school (and at home thereafter) than I was willing to stand-up to the mini mafia. I had a freeze mechanism that was engrained into my psyche. It was engrained by my mother, my grandparents and by the "turn the other cheek...don't return bad with bad" religious doctrine crap that was fed to me every Sunday and Wednesday. Now I am not saying that everything that I learned in church was useless or feces. In fact I hold many things to be constant values in my daily life (even now). But in this regard (bitter giggle) the teachings created a soft kid who needed to have an encouraged backbone.

I ask you. Does this look like the face of a man that grew up without a backbone? One would not think so (atleast I like to believe that is the case).

I can use words. I can use my intellect to a pretty strong degree when necessary. My work experience has been good to me with regard to formulating arguments, finding win-win situations and making things happen without a need for self-defense. But the fact remains that not everything in the world can be solved with words. And the person most prepared, fasted to smart reaction and possessing the biggest will wins out almost every time. My brother-in-law would say it like this: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog."

So what's next? I am training my mind; I should give the same purpose to my instinct and body. A belief that everything can be solved without a physical need is a blind, lying belief. It's not reality. J-Double-D is committing to believing and living in reality. Do I want to be a fighter? No. But do I want to know that I can be as swift with my body as I can be with my mind (when the need presents)? You're damn right I do.

Cheers friends.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

OK. I'll give it a shot.

My name's Jamie. But for the purposes of this little foray into my screwed-up mind you can call me J-Double-D. I am the schmuck in the lederhosen (alla Chevy Chase in European Vacation). The Swiss Miss is my wife; I am in a bi-facial relationship. That means that my partner is WAY hotter than me.

The title for this blog is An American Redneck in India. I am not in India. Though I have worked there on and off over the last four years. And for all intents and purposes, I am not a redneck. Though the majority of non-Southern readers might very well think otherwise simply because I am a Kentuckian.

The entries that will follow this one may be anecdotal bullshit. They may be true stories of misadventures. And frankly they may just be little doodles about life as I see it. I am a barstool prophet- well I was before I married. Now I am constantly somewhere between being an asshole and a genuine, loving person. You can decide from one day to the next which one that I am. However at the end of the day, I am just a guy that has always loved writing, never over-achieved a day in his life and frankly has more self-loathing and faux arrogance than anyone he has ever met.

