Friday, April 9, 2010

Schmuckaroony Me

Yesterday I received an email from a friend in Florida. It said simply: “Nothing in the blog lately. What’s up?”

I didn’t even know that he was reading. And with that I realized that not having subscribers does not mean that people are not reading. So I owe an apology to my anonymous, mystery viewers. I owe thanks to those people who chuckle or guffaw or scratch their heads when reading my diatribes. The head scratching can certainly be found more than the sounds of glee.

This Homer is for Organic Meatbag and Manloaf. And this entry is for everyone else. It’s really just a random napkin poem from who knows when.

Wake and bake
Bender healer
Pain of Sun-
God’s dreaded flashlight
It shows the hair
Hair of the Dog
Tequila worm
Red wine drunk
And cheap beer all in me
But the shots
Jello shots are lovely